Tons of rocks and water every-where.Lots of underwater caves to swim in and search inside of.Many families come there just to hike and keep stuff up.Some of its consumers are:Deer,Hawk,Snake,Mouse,Sparrow,Cricket and A Rabbit.The producers are Oak Jupiter Woodlands,Savannah and Oak hickory.
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World War 2
I like zoology because I like to learn about then animals behavior
Fitting In…..!
One day me and my family moved away to Texas from a small country town in Oklahoma.when I got there for the first day of the new school I noticed something very different in the new school everybody had new styles that where really cool!. It was so hard fitting in with everybody and making new friends.Cause everybody had a bunch of money,four wheelers,dirt bikes,and a bunch of other awesome cool things but I managed to do what I wanted and fit in.
Bye:garett Taber
Christmas day special!!!
Christmas day was the best for me cause I got to see my mommy she lives in Arkansas with my other family and I barely ever get to see her or them so one day I sneaked my dads phone into my room with my brother and we called her before he got back in the house.When he left out side to get something out of his truck we heard the door slam and called her as soon as possible she was so excited to hear mine and my brothers voices she just couldn’t stop talking we asked her if we would get to see her for Christmas and she said I don’t know if I will or not and me and my brother did the best we could of begging her to asking our dad if we could go pick her up and when he is off work . She said she would but it would be hard cause he is hard headed she did when he was in a good mood and he said yes as soon as she asked him cause we all miss her.He asked his boss if he could get a day off to get my mom and he said sure but when you come back you have to work an extra day . He said yes sir and walked away with a huge smile on his face one even bigger than mine and my little brothers.When we got all of our stuff packed and everything done we headed on our way as fast as we could it was so much fun on the trip we stopped and got something to drink ,we got something to eat when we were hungry,we stopped and looked at deers running across the road and every where else they where,we listing to our favorite music,the first thing caught my eye and I knew we where in Oklahoma is cause I started seeing mountains big long ones and trees everywhere I got so excited cause I knew she was waiting on all of us . When we arrived there to see my mom I busted threw the door and gave her a huge hug and I did not want to let go ever again!. When we got home I stayed home everyday until she went back then it just was not the same I came home everyday off the bus and thinking she was there but then I thought twice and I knew she was not. THE END
football football my favorite sport of all
my number is 13 my favorite number of all
I like to run I like to tackle I just love that im a natural
I play safety I play corner back what I really like is me and the football team
give 100% every drill every time as much as we can
because we are the boys of fall and a team thats all that matters.
A Sad Summer
Every year on Thanksgiving and on Christmas my grandma would make the best vegetable soup. With a little help from my papa every body would love it.Finally that day came my brother Mason and I was at out aunt SUSIE’S playing football.We went in for a second to get a drink of ice cold tea then my aunt SUSIE told me the food was ready at my grandmas house.As soon as everybody heard that that started running over there just to get some of that hot delicious food.Well after that we watched the DALLAS COWBOYS football game we were cheering them on like a bunch of weirdos even tho they couldn’t hear us threw the television we still did any way cause my whole family is crazy and funny the good thing is that they won.After that most people would go back home some of them wouldn’t cause they wanted to stay with our grandma because everyone loved her so did the rest of the family but they had work the next day which stunk so we stayed up most of the night playing cards and drinking some cokes and talking having a good time.Grandma and papa would get tired and they would call it a day every went to bed or watched television until they fell asleep.Nobody would forget CHRISTMAS eve the next day we woke up and talked about how much fun we had that night well every body went home that day a couple of months later she went to the hospital the doctor told her really bad news he told her she only had the months to live well three days passed not three months when school ended I got off the bus I went inside and my mom was crying I asked her whats wrong she told me she got a call from my aunt SUSIE she told my mom that my grandma had passed away I cried and cried when i heard that I made my self sick just crying so much I will never forget how much fun we had all the times I went to visit her.
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